From the course: InDesign: Tables

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Moving rows and columns

Moving rows and columns - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign: Tables

Moving rows and columns

- I can't tell you how many times I've set up a table and then decided I wanted to move some information around. Moving the row for Nuts before Bolts and after Widgets, that kind of thing. Fortunately, InDesign allows you to easily drag and drop columns and rows to move them into a new location in your table. To move a row or column, simply select it. Let's say that I want to move this row, Commercial car wash down to the bottom, in the row above Industrial usage. First, I select the row, and then when I bring my mouse back over it, you'll notice I get the special icon. It's the cursor arrow, but it has a little table icon to the lower right of it. That means drag and drop is ready to go. And all I need to do is mouse down, drag the row down, and you'll see as I move down, there's this dark blue line that appears. When that blue line is in the position where I want to move the row, I simply release the mouse. Couldn't be easier. Same thing for columns. Let's say that I want the…
