From the course: InDesign: Tables
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Dealing with overset text in table cells - InDesign Tutorial
From the course: InDesign: Tables
Dealing with overset text in table cells
- One of the most frustrating things about working with tables can be dealing with text overset. It doesn't have to be that way, though, as long as you know why it's happening, and more importantly, how to fix it. The cause of text overset usually has to do with row height. Let's take a look at this table. If I selected this first row and come up to the control panel, I can see that the row height is set to "At Least." That means it's going to grow depending on the amount of text that's in here. If I add text, and I've got some over here on the paste board, so I'm going to select it, and then copy it into the clipboard, and I'm going to add it to this first cell. Wow, that's a lot of text. But, because the row height is set to grow, it's set to "At Least," the row height accommodates that text and there's no problem. There is no text overset. Well, this is a little bit much. I'm going to delete some of this text. And the row height accommodates it. The problem with text overset…
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Inserting and deleting rows and columns4m 24s
Moving rows and columns7m 15s
Merging and splitting cells6m 5s
Creating tables with rounded-corner borders4m 5s
Rotating text at 90-degree angles2m 33s
Rotating text at 45-degree angles4m 36s
Using gradients in tables4m 49s
Converting lists to tables2m 38s
Dealing with overset text in table cells2m 34s