From the course: InDesign: Tables

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Creating pull quotes and design objects using tables

Creating pull quotes and design objects using tables - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign: Tables

Creating pull quotes and design objects using tables

- One thing I hope you'll get from this course besides getting really comfortable with InDesign tables, is that you'll be able to step back and think about using InDesign's table features for things that don't necessarily look like tables. One of the most interesting features, I think, is that you can set row height in a way that it will grow or shrink depending on how much text is in the cell. I mean, that's pretty powerful. Here's an example from a client of mine who publishes a monthly magazine. And every month, this article about travel uses this convention that you see here on the right to list pros and cons. Let's zoom in a little bit, I'll hold down the z key and zoom up so you can see this a little bit more closely. The thing is, under pros and cons of travelling to a particular place, the number of items underneath each heading changes from month to month. So, we might need to come into pros and add something. "Good food." But, how about that, when I add another line item…
