From the course: InDesign: Tables
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Accessing table commands - InDesign Tutorial
From the course: InDesign: Tables
Accessing table commands
- Like many other features in InDesign, there are several ways that you can access table commands. I've got my Type tool selected, and I'm gonna select this row by clicking on it. First we have a Table menu, an entire menu devoted to table commands. All of these commands are available elsewhere in the program except for these first three at the top. The commands for creating a new table and converting a table to text or back are only available on the Table menu. But all the others are available in other places in the program. When we have part of the table selected, our Control Panel changes to show us table formatting commands. Starting here on the left we have commands for vertical alignment. We can set the number of rows and columns, set strokes and fills and so forth. And all the way over to the right side of this Control Panel we have table formatting commands. What you'll actually see on your Control Panel depends on the resolution of your monitor and what size screen you're…
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