From the course: InDesign Secrets

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Find all documents that contain an image

Find all documents that contain an image - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

Find all documents that contain an image

- [Instructor] I know that I've used this image in another document sometime, but darned if I can remember which one. Fortunately, Adobe offers a sneaky way to search for images across other InDesign documents. You can't do it in InDesign itself, but you can if you use Adobe's free app called Bridge. Now, this is cool because the last time I checked, Bridge really is free. You don't even need to have a Creative Cloud subscription to download and use it. So I've installed Bridge on this machine, and I have it running, so I'll just jump over to it. Bridge is like a simple digital asset manager, or DAM, and you can use it to search for files and open them and add metadata to images, all kinds of cool things. But most people don't realize that you can also use Bridge to search for images inside InDesign files. Here's how you do it. First, navigate to the folder that you want to search in, so you can see it inside the main window.…
