From the course: InDesign Secrets

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Auto-expand acronyms

Auto-expand acronyms - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

Auto-expand acronyms

- [Instructor] Have you discovered InDesign's incredible Autocorrect feature yet? If not, we'll show you how to do that here in this video. You probably don't even realize you have it. The problem is it's turned off by default which is bizarre, but the other thing that's really cool about Autocorrect is that you can use it to do more than just correct things, and I'll show you how in this quick video. First, we're looking at a magazine spread showing one of my most common misspellings, for me personally, is I always type Portland as protland. I don't know why, but instead of me having to automatically correct it and think about is as I'm typing, I can just have InDesign do that for me. So open up preferences. I'm pressing Command + K or Control + K on Windows. Go down to Autocorrect and turn it on. Yes, turn it on. Now it's sticky so that once you turn it on, it'll stay turned on from then on on your computer for all…
