From the course: InDesign Secrets

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300 Remove blue highlighting from text

300 Remove blue highlighting from text - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

300 Remove blue highlighting from text

- [Instructor] Okay, this is a common problem with people who are using any recent version of InDesign. You'll open up a document and suddenly find that some of your text is highlighted in blue. Now I'm not talking about pink highlighting, which usually means that you don't have the right fonts and I'm not talkin' about yellow highlighting either, that usually shows a text composition issue. And we covered those in other videos. Here I want to focus on this bright blue highlighting, like all this text is highlighted in blue up here and over here on the right side, you'll see we have paragraphs that have a blue bar along the left edges. What on earth is that about? Oh, and here's where it gets even crazier, if I switch into preview mode by pressing the W key on my keyboard, you'll see that the blue disappears. In fact, if I export a PDF or I print this file, the blue also is not there. So what is that blue color? Here, I'll press with W key again to get out of preview mode and the…
