From the course: InDesign Secrets

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257 Convert a list to a table

257 Convert a list to a table - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

257 Convert a list to a table

- [Voiceover] In InDesign, it's pretty easy to convert tab text into a table, but what if the data comes in as a long, single-column list instead of tabbed text? I'll show you how surprisingly simple it is to convert that kind of text to tables as well in InDesign. Let's take a look at our sample table, simple, four columns. Let's pretend that I'm in the communications department of some university, and I've been given the job of creating a campus directory of all the professors and such. So I've made it a simple, four-column table where I want their name, their title, the department they work in, and which building their office is in here. If somebody gives me this kind of content with everything tabbed in the same number of columns, this is pretty easy to deal with. I just select this text, go to the "Table" menu, choose "Convert Text to Table." The columns are separated by a tab, and each row is separated by a paragraph, so I say, "Okay, please make it so," and there you go. Now I…
