From the course: InDesign Secrets

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045 Inline graphic tricks with invisible paragraphs

045 Inline graphic tricks with invisible paragraphs - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

045 Inline graphic tricks with invisible paragraphs

Here's a cool trick that can come in handy in lots of different situations, but most recently I found it comes in very handy when I'm working with EPUBs, and that is, how to get a graphic, like this picture of David, to appear in the text flow, like this little mini-bio of him, when I export to EPUB, without me actually having to make it float in between these two paragraphs. In the words, I don't want to mess up my print design, but when I export it to EPUB, I want it to look like how I want it to look in the EPUB. So if we just take this example how it looks right now, it's just a picture of David on the left and the text on the right, and we export this to EPUB by going to File > Export, on the Desktop, invisible.epub, choose EPUB. We are going to accept all the existing defaults and I'm replacing the existing invisible.epub that was there before. Let me just accept these defaults, Image, Contents, click OK, see what it looks like. So you see, the picture appears at the top because…
