From the course: InDesign Secrets

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019 Using multiple windows for comparisons

019 Using multiple windows for comparisons - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

019 Using multiple windows for comparisons

David Blatner: When you want to get a better view of something in the real world, you don't just sit still and stare at it harder. No, you get up and look at it from different perspectives. Well, you can do that with InDesign too. The trick is the New Window feature. Here's how it works. I'll go to the Window menu, go down to the Arrange menu, and choose New Window. Now I am looking at the same document, this HanselandPetal catalog, in two different windows side by side. What's great about this is I can have different views in each window. For example the one here on the right which is currently selected I can change into Preview mode. I'll press W to go into Preview mode and I can see that looks pretty good. That's what the design looks like with all the guides hidden and all the stuff on the Pasteboard hidden and so on. The one on the left here still shows me all the guides. I can also go over here. I'll click on the window on the left and I'll zoom in. I can change my magnification…
