From the course: InDesign: Layout and Composition
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Working with tint boxes - InDesign Tutorial
From the course: InDesign: Layout and Composition
Working with tint boxes
- [Instructor] When you have more than one story on a page or spread, consider putting the supporting articles in tint boxes to differentiate them. Here I have two such info boxes, one on each page. Let's recreate them. I'll move now to the next spread where they are in a raw form. So I'll select this frame and the styles here are already applied. I'm going to apply a tint to the text frame. This tint is based upon color of the department head is a shade of that color and I want to bevel the corner so I'll come to the object menu and to my corner options and for the top right, making sure that the chain is broken here so that I am setting the corners independently. I'll choose bevel. I also want to inset the text. I'll come to the text frame options. Now I've chosen a non-standard corner option. My inset is going to be the same on all four sides and that's going to be four points. I would like my text to reverse…
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Microspacing and macrospacing2m 10s
Using white space in a magazine layout2m 55s
Integrating white space3m 4s
More ways to use white space2m 20s
Working with a feature article2m 54s
Organizing a page with rules3m 32s
More ways to use page rules3m 1s
Even more ways to use page rules2m 49s
Working with a floating column1m 26s
Working with tint boxes4m
Challenge: Magazine spread1m 26s