From the course: InDesign: Layout and Composition

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Working with a floating column

Working with a floating column - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign: Layout and Composition

Working with a floating column

- [Instructor] When creating structured documents, it's a challenge to present the content as both dynamic and organized. We want a layout that's readable and easy to navigate, but at the same time, varied and interesting. In this two-page spread, the page is divided in half, top and bottom. On the top, we have images, captions, quotes, and white space. Below, we have the running text. As part of this running text, I'm using a narrow column for captions and small illustrations. If I turn on my guides by pressing w, we see how it all fits together. Having an odd number of columns gives you another way to integrate white space into your layout. Rather than have the text run in a more static three-column grid, I'm using a seven-column grid. Each column of the running text occupies two-column widths. And then we have the remaining column used, as I say, for captions and small illustrations. Now what's more, the position…
