From the course: InDesign: Layout and Composition

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Using scaling and white space

Using scaling and white space - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign: Layout and Composition

Using scaling and white space

- [Instructor] Continuing from the previous movie, here's where I left off. Now, I'm going to take a third direction. And here, I'm going to deemphasize the product shot, and instead, go for a lifestyle shot that shows the product in use. I've taken the product shot, made it smaller, grouped it with the logo and the address, and positioned it at bottom-left. Now, this creates a generous amount of white space to its right, and it also allows the eye to flow from the image down to bottom-left, and then off to the right of the page. The seal, which I've found a problematic element to incorporate, I've overlapped this onto the image so that it connects the bottom section with the image. I explored two further variations on this theme using different images. With each iteration, I'm trying to simplify things further. Neither of these versions have a product image. Here, the white space can flow off the top and right of…
