From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

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Using the Print dialog box

Using the Print dialog box

- [Instructor] While InDesign can be used for making onscreen interactive files, for most of us, it all comes down to one thing. Can we get this thing to print? And the answer, of course, is absolutely. To do that, let's open the File menu and choose Print. It's way down here at the bottom. Now there are a lot of features in here. I'm not going to cover all of them right now, but I do want to point out the most important ones. The first thing we need to do, of course, is choose the proper printer from the Printer popup menu. This lets us tell InDesign where we're going to be printing. Note that if your printer doesn't support PostScript, then you may not have access to some of the features in this dialogue box. Okay, next, you can choose the number of copies, what page range you want to be printing. We want to print all the pages in our document, but this document is a tri-fold brochure where each panel of the brochure was set up as an individual page. So we can choose whether we want…
