From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training
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Transparency, drop shadows, and effects - InDesign Tutorial
From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training
Transparency, drop shadows, and effects
- [Instructor] What is the number one coolest, most amazing feature in InDesign? Well, XML, of course. No, no, no. I'm just kidding. It's transparency, so let's look at how you can apply transparency effects to any object on your page. I'd like to apply an interesting transparency effect to this graphic down here. So I'll select it and then zoom into 200% by pressing Command + 2 on Mac or Control + 2 on Windows. Now, let's open the central headquarters for all transparency effects, and that is the Effects panel. It's over here in the dock, or you can find it in the Window menu. This lets you apply a transparency effect to any object on your page, whether it's a graphic frame, a text frame, a line, or whatever. The first thing we're going to do here is change the opacity here in the upper right corner. That's how transparent this object should be. Right now, it's set to 100%, so that's zero transparency. You can't see through it at all, but if you type 50 into this and then hit Return…
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