From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training
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Putting text on a path - InDesign Tutorial
From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training
Putting text on a path
- [Instructor] You've seen how we can put text inside a frame, but what about putting text on a path? How do we do that? For example, inside this Magazine document from the Exercise Files, I'm going to hold on the Option or Alt key and press Page Up a couple of times to jump to an earlier spread. And see this path here, the red one? I want to put text on that. Let's zoom in to 200% by pressing Command or Control + 2. Now, I'll be talking about how to draw paths like this in a later chapter, but for right now, let's go ahead and put some text along that curve. At first, you'd think you'd want to use the normal Type Tool to put text on a path, but I'll tell you now, it won't work. You need a different tool to tell InDesign that you want text to go on a path. It's called the Type on a Path Tool, but where the heck is that? Well, it's hiding underneath the Type Tool. To get it, you have to click and hold for just a moment. Then, you get this little pop-up menu and that lets you choose…
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