From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

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Packaging and preflight for output

Packaging and preflight for output - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

Packaging and preflight for output

- [Instructor] In an earlier chapter, I discussed how InDesign documents don't embed all your placed images. Rather, they just link to the original files on disc. Well, that means if you're going to archive your document or you want to send it to somebody else to edit or print, then you need to collect all your linked files too. Fortunately, you don't have to go and find and copy all those files manually, you can just choose Package from the File menu. But wait, before we do that, I just noticed something. Look down here at the bottom of my document window, there's a little red dot. That's a stop sign. That means there might be something wrong with our document. To see what it's alerting us about, let's click the little popup menu next to it. Then I'll choose Preflight Panel. Here inside this panel, you can see that there's a text error, and if I click this little twirly triangle to the left, I see that it's overset text, and I'll click that triangle, and now I can see there's a text…
