From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

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Overriding parent page items

Overriding parent page items - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

Overriding parent page items

- [Announcer] As I mentioned in the last movie, InDesign protects parent page items when you're on a document page. You can't move them, you can't delete them, you can't even select them. Now, I've opened this document from my exercise files folder. It's the file called Long Doc version B, and this starts up where we left off in the last movie. So you can see that I already have my running footers down here at the bottom of my page. Let's go ahead and zoom in on this text frame. In an earlier chapter, I mentioned how you can use the zoom tool to zoom in, but I'm going to use a keyboard shortcut. I'm going to hold down cmd+spacebar on the Mac or ctrl+spacebar on Windows. This gives me the temporary zoom tool. Now on the Mac, you might see the spotlight window appear, but you can just ignore that. Now all you have to do is click and drag. Dragging to the right zooms in, to the left, zooms out. Oh, I should point out that on some computers, this zoom trick works slightly differently for…
