From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training
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Moving objects around - InDesign Tutorial
From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training
Moving objects around
- [Instructor] We've been putting text and graphics onto this page and it's kind of a mess, so let's go ahead and clean it up. The main tool that we're going to use to move objects around our page is the selection tool. That's the black arrow tool at the top of the tool panel. The selection tool lets you move objects around your page and even resize them and rotate them. First, let's go ahead and close the links panel by clicking on this little icon in the dock. Okay, now, if I click on this frame here in the middle, you can see it selects it and I can change its size by dragging either one of the side handles or the corner handle. If you want to rotate it, you can do that by clicking and dragging just outside any of the four corners. Now, in this case, I don't even want this frame, so I'll delete it by pressing the delete key on my keyboard. Now let's move this photograph. If you drag the image up here near the edge, you don't drag the photo, you drag the entire frame. Let's undo…
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