From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

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Moving objects above or below each other

Moving objects above or below each other - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

Moving objects above or below each other

- [Speaker] Every object on your page is in a stack. It's like each object is a separate piece of paper in your document, and you can move them above and below each other. Here in the interactive document from the exercise files folder. Let's jump to page four by choosing it from this pop-up menu in the lower-left corner of the screen. Now let's select this image up here. I'll click once and unfortunately, there's another frame on top of it. So how can you select what's behind that frame? Well, I could just click down here, of course, but let's pretend that this brown text frame was totally covering up the image. Well, you can select through one object to an object behind it by holding down the command key on the Mac or control on Windows. Then click. Command or control click once and it selects through that object to the next object down. Command or control click again and it selects through that frame and selects the frame in the background. Do it one more time and now it reselect…
