From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

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Importing graphics

Importing graphics

- [Instructor] It's time to turn our attention to pictures, or graphics, or images, or whatever you want to call them. I have my magazine file open from the Exercise Files folder, and I'll jump to the last spread of the document by clicking this little button in the lower left corner of the Document window. That jumps to the last spread. Okay, now the basic method for importing an image is to use the Place command, which you can find under the File menu. Or you can press Command + D on the Mac or Control + D on Windows. When you choose Place, InDesign shows you a list of all the images or files that you can place right now. I'm going to look inside my Exercise Files folder. I'll scroll to the bottom and look inside the Links folder. Now, I want to import a file called Bellflower_Icon, so I'll simply scroll down until I find it. It's a .ai file, that's a native Adobe Illustrator file, and InDesign can import it. When I click Open, InDesign loads that image up onto my Place cursor. Now,…
