From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training
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Guides and measurements - InDesign Tutorial
From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training
Guides and measurements
- [Instructor] Adding guides to your documents is really helpful because it maintains consistency and it helps you lay out pages fast. The basic way to add a guide to a page is simply by dragging it out of the ruler. For example, I have my brochure document open from the exercise files folder, and I'm going to go up to this horizontal ruler at the top of the page and I'll simply drag out a guide. Now, here's the thing. If I let go of the mouse button when I'm over the page, I get a page guide. Now, this is a three-page spread, so we just get that tiny little guide across one page. I'll drag out another guide, and this time, instead of letting go of the mouse button while I'm over the page, I'm going to drag it out onto the pasteboard. If I let go of the mouse button now, I get a pasteboard guide. Some people call this a spread guide because it goes across all the pages on my spread. Now, once I have a guide on my page, I can move it simply by clicking on it with a Selection tool…
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New documents5m 49s
Guides and measurements4m 49s
Adding text frames5m 17s
Typing and editing text3m 23s
Choose a better workspace for editing4m 16s
Applying basic text formatting5m 43s
Importing graphics5m 11s
Saving documents and the History panel5m 49s