From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

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Formatting cells

Formatting cells

- [Instructor] In the last movie, we explored formatting a whole table. In this movie, we'll take it a step farther and look at both formatting the cells and the data inside them. Let's start by formatting the text inside these cells at the top, the header. To do that, we need the type tool, which you can get by just double clicking inside one of these cells. Then let's zoom into 200% to see this better. I'll press command + 2 or control + 2 on windows. By the way, here's a little trick. The escape key on your keyboard toggles back and forth between selecting the text inside the cell or the cell itself. There's the cell, there's the text inside the cell. That's kind of helpful. When you select one or more cells, you can change the format in all of them at the same time. For example, let's change the font in this entire row. I'll select those and then go up to the font menu. And now I can select a font. But you know this is going to take too long to format all of this manually. So…
