From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training
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Formatting a table - InDesign Tutorial
From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training
Formatting a table
- [Instructor] Let's make this table look a tad bit better. The basic tool for formatting a table is the Table Options dialog box, and you can get there by placing your text cursor anywhere inside your table, then going to the Table menu, choosing Table Options, and then choose Table Setup. The Table Options dialog box gives you a lot of control over your tables, but we're just going to look at the most important features here, like Table Border here in the middle. This lets us control what the border looks like around the outside edge of the table, and right now it shows a one-point black stroke. Let's change it to have no stroke. To do that, you simply change the color to None. Okay, now let's look at some of the other tabs along the top of this dialog box. How about Fills? That's the most fun. Let's change the Alternating Pattern pop-up menu here to Every Other Row. Now, I'll turn on the Preview checkbox down here, and you can immediately see that Every Other Row is colorized. By…
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