From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

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Exporting to the web with Publish Online

Exporting to the web with Publish Online - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

Exporting to the web with Publish Online

- [Instructor] In the last movie, we looked at how you can export an interactive PDF from InDesign, a digital document with elements like bookmarks and form fields. So now you might be asking, "Okay, that's great, but how do we get that on a website not just as a PDF, but as actual real HTML that people can see in a browser?" Well, one solution is Adobe's Publish Online technology. You can export any InDesign file to Publish Online, and it appears on the web along with any interactivity you put in it, including hyperlinks, buttons, animations, and video. And best of all, it's really easy to do. For example, I have version B of our interactive brochure document open from the exercise files folder, and I want to put this on the web. But first, let's add just a little pizazz. How about some animation? Let's jump to the next page of the file by pressing Shift + Page Down. Then I'll select this image and hold down the Shift key while I select these two. To animate these, we need the…
