From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training
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Editing graphics in their original app - InDesign Tutorial
From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training
Editing graphics in their original app
- [Instructor] What happens if you put an image on your page and then realize you need to edit the image somehow? For example, I'd like to change the color of this logo down here. Well, I could switch to Illustrator, then open the logo, assuming I know where it's saved on disc. But since I'm already looking at it here, it's far easier to use a feature in InDesign called Edit Original. And like so many other features in InDesign, you can find Edit Original in several different places. You could select the image and then go up to the edit menu and come down here and choose Edit Original. Or if you open the Links panel, you could click this little pencil icon. That pencil icon is the Edit Original button. But the fastest way to get to Edit Original is just to option double click or ALT double click on your image. That's all you need to do. I'm going to close the Links panel, come over here and option or ALT double click on this. It launches Adobe Illustrator and opens that file. Let's…
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