From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

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Editing and applying parent pages

Editing and applying parent pages - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

Editing and applying parent pages

- [Instructor] A parent page, which many InDesign users call a master page is kind of like a template for your pages. Anything that you put on a parent page will show up on your document pages, and that's why you should use parent pages for things like page numbers, headers, or a logo that you want on all or most of your pages. Every document has at least one parent page, and you can find that over in the pages panel. I'll just click on that in the doc on the right side of the screen. The parent pages show up here at the top of the pages panel. This document has one parent page called A Parent. Now in older InDesign documents, you may see this listed as a master. To see what's on that parent page, you simply double click on it. Now, because this is a facing pages document, that is, it has a left and a right hand page, I can see that the parent page also has a left and a right hand page, and anything I put on the right hand page will show up only on the right hand pages of my document.…
