From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

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Duplicating objects and making grids

Duplicating objects and making grids - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

Duplicating objects and making grids

- [Instructor] There are more than a dozen ways to duplicate something in InDesign. My favorite way to copy an object is to select it like this word, plants and greeneries, and then hold on the Option or the Alt key and drag. Now that looks good, but in this case, I would like my duplicate to be exactly lined up with a first. So I'll delete that by pressing the Delete key on my keyboard and go try again. This time, instead of just holding down Alt or Option, let's add the Shift key. Option + Shift drag or Alt + Shift drag on Windows. When you do that, it duplicates it, and keeps it in perfect vertical or horizontal alignment. And when you see those little green smart guides, it means that the space between our new object and the one to the left matches the space between the other two frames, so that's great. Now another way to get a copy is just copy and paste it, right? But there's an even better paste feature that you should know about. Check this out. First, let's jump to the…
