From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

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Creating and controlling layers

Creating and controlling layers - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

Creating and controlling layers

- [Instructor] In a complicated layout, it's always a good idea to create at least a couple of layers and then use them to organize your objects. Now, every document starts with one layer called Layer 1, and you can see that by opening your Layers panel over here in the dock, or you could find it from the Window menu. There's Layer 1, and all of our objects are currently on that layer. Let's start organizing this document by creating a couple more layers. First, inside the Layers panel menu, I can choose New Layer. Let's go ahead and call this Images and then click OK. Now, another way to make a new layer is to hold down the Option key on the Mac or Alt on Windows, and click the New Layer button at the bottom of the panel. That forces InDesign to open the New Layer dialog box, and I can type a new layer name, for example, Text. Okay, now we've got three layers. So, how do we get objects onto those layers? Actually, let's jump to the fourth page of this document by pressing Command or…
