From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

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Creating and applying paragraph styles

Creating and applying paragraph styles - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

Creating and applying paragraph styles

- [Instructor] Styles are a way to take a whole bunch of formatting and give it a name. InDesign lets you create styles for character formatting, paragraph formatting, object formatting, even table formatting, and styles are important because they let you apply or change a lot of formatting with a single click, so they really boost productivity. For example, here in this publication from the exercise files, you can see that a bunch of this text over here on the left needs to be formatted. And to do that, we should open our Paragraph Styles panel over here in the dock. If you don't see the Paragraph Styles panel in the dock, you can choose the Advanced Workspace from this menu in the application bar, or you can go to the Window menu, choose Styles, and then choose Paragraph Styles. Now over here on my page, I'm going to double click to switch to the Type tool, and I'll click inside one of these paragraphs. I'll place my cursor in the first paragraph at the top. Over here in the…
