From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

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Applying advanced character formatting

Applying advanced character formatting - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

Applying advanced character formatting

- [Instructor] In an earlier chapter, we looked at the basics of character formatting, including setting the font size and letting. Now let's look at a few more important character styling options that you have. I'm going to double click on this text frame over here to place the cursor inside of it. Then let's zoom into 200% by pressing command or control + 2. I'd like to do some additional formatting to this text here, this heading. Now, you can get to all the text formatting features in the control panel or the properties panel if you have that open. Right now, the control panel is set to paragraph formatting mode, so I'll click this little A to go to character formatting mode. Once again, here's the font style size, and you remember this thing down here is letting, right? That changes the spacing between lines of text. But now what about changing the spacing between individual characters? You can control that with these two features here. The ones with the little VA next to them…
