From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

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Aligning and distributing

Aligning and distributing

- [Instructor] One of the signs of professional design is the precision and consistency of how you align your objects on the page. So let's take a look at some great tricks for ensuring your objects line up. First, let's open the Pages panel and then double click on page 5 to jump there. Now we have three images here that I want to align. Now as I drag one of these around, you'll see these little lines appearing and then disappearing. Those are smart guides. They make life so much easier. Like I'm going to drag this until I see a magenta line appear. That magenta line means that this object is centered on the page. If I drag it a little bit higher, you'll see some green lines appear. The green lines between this object and the object to the left means both of those objects are going to be aligned. Now, check this out. I'm going to start dragging this object on the right around until I see the little green arrows down at the bottom. Those little double-headed arrows mean that the…
