From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

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Adjusting corner options

Adjusting corner options

- [Instructor] In the last movie, I discussed how to change the shape of objects on your page. Here's another way to change a shape, but this time we're only going to be changing the object corners. I have my magazine document open from the Exercise Files folder, and let's jump to the first spread by choosing that from the Layout menu. We're going to work on this brown box over here, so I'll select it and zoom in to 200% by pressing Cmd or Ctrl + 2. I'll also turn on preview mode by pressing W on my keyboard, so I'm not distracted by all those other frame edges. Now, I want to change the shape of the corners on this object. So I'll head up to the Object menu and come down here and choose Corner Options. Now, right now, all four of these are set to sharp edge corners, but if you click on this pop-up menu here, you can see that you have a number of options. Fancy, bevel, inset, inverse rounded, and rounded, which is what most people use. So I'll click that. Now, all four of those…
