From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

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Adding text frames

Adding text frames

- [Instructor] There are probably a few people who use InDesign for pictures only, but most of us need to put text on our pages. Well, you cannot have text without a text frame, and the simplest way to make a text frame is to use the Type tool. First I'm going to scroll over to the left a little using my grabber hand. That's Opt + Spacebar or Alt + Spacebar on Windows, and then I'll just drag over. Now I'll go to the View menu and choose Match Pasteboard to Theme Color. I just find that white pasteboard background easier to work with. Okay, there are a couple of ways to get the Type tool. You could choose the T icon and the Tool panel, or you can click the same thing down here in the floating task bar. Now that I have the Type tool, all I have to do is click and drag. You'll notice that as I'm dragging, I get the measurements of that frame in the little field to the right of the cursor. That helps me create just the size I want. When I let go of the mouse button, the text cursor is…
