From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

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Adding rules (lines) above or below

Adding rules (lines) above or below - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

Adding rules (lines) above or below

- [Instructor] Many designs call for a line, also called a rule, to sit above or below a paragraph, especially a heading, and you could spend all day drawing lines with a Line tool, but you would be a lot better off using InDesign's paragraph rules feature. For example, in this magazine document from my exercise files, I'm going to select this heading and then zoom in to 400% by pressing Command or Control + 4. Let's add some space above and below it by changing this to Paragraph mode and then changing space before to, say, 10 points and space after to four points. That just gives us some room to work with. Now, this heading looks kind of dull. I want my eye to be more drawn to it, so I'm going to put a rule above it. To do that, let's head over to the right side of the menu, open the control panel flyout menu, and then choose Paragraph Rules. Now, the paragraph rule's dialog box's actually two different dialog boxes, kind of combined into one. You can choose each of them from this…
