From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

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Adding page numbering

Adding page numbering

- [Instructor] When you're working on a book, or a magazine, or anything that has more than a few pages, you owe it to your readers to add page numbers, but it's a hassle to add page numbers to each and every page, right? Fortunately, InDesign makes page numbering easy. In this document, we want the page numbers on almost every document page, so where should we put them? That's right. The parent page. So I'll head over to my doc and open the Pages panel. Then I'll double-click on A-Parent to jump to that parent page. I'd like my page numbers to be down here at the bottom of my page, and I could put it inside this text frame, but in this case, I'm going to grab the Type tool and then drag out a new frame over here just off to the left side. Now, I'll zoom in by pressing Cmd +2, or Ctrl + 2 on Windows. All right, the text cursor is flashing, so what should I type? The actual page number? No, you don't want to type real numbers here. Instead, you want a stand-in, something that's going…
