From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training
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Adding or replacing graphics - InDesign Tutorial
From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training
Adding or replacing graphics
- [Instructor] We're starting up where we left off in the last movie, and you can see that we're still zoomed in. So let's zoom back by going to the view menu and then choosing fit page in window. There we go. Now you may be tempted to copy graphics out of some other program and paste them in here, but don't do it. Resist the urge. Instead, it's almost always better to place them. That is you want to choose place from the file menu. Oh, but first, let's go back to the tool panel and choose the selection tool. That's the black arrow tool and click somewhere where there's no objects, like out here on the pasteboard. I'll explain why in a minute. All right, now we'll go to the file menu and choose place. The place dialogue box gives you a list of all the different files that you can place inside this document. In this case, we're going to choose this HP_Logos file. That's a .ai or a native Adobe Illustrator file. And then when you click open, InDesign loads what's called the place…
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