From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

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Adding or editing text

Adding or editing text

- [Instructor] Okay, we have our document open, but we have a problem. It's mostly empty, empty document not good. Let's look at how we can get some text in here. The main tool in InDesign for manipulating text is the type tool. It's the one in the tool panel that looks like a little T. That type tool lets us do two things in InDesign. It lets you create text frames, that is frames that are going to contain text, and it also lets you edit the text inside of those frames. So first, let's take that type tool and drag out a rectangle over on my page. I'll do it right here in the middle. When you let go of the mouse button, you'll see that the type tool created a frame and the cursor is flashing inside of here. So now you can start typing. Another way to get text into InDesign is to place a text file, and you can place a text file or a Word file or even an RTF file with fully formatted text inside any text frame. In this case, let's put the text into this frame over here. So we'll click…
