From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

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Adding hyperlinks

Adding hyperlinks

- Many people think of InDesign as a print tool, but InDesign is a tool for laying out pages. And those could be either print pages or interactive, on-screen pages. Now, the three main interactive formats that InDesign supports are PDF, ePub, and Publish Online. And each one of these support different types of interactivity. For example, ePub and Publish Online both support animation, but not form fields. And you can make a PDF with interactive form fields right from InDesign, but PDF does not currently support animation. But there's one thing all these formats support really well, and that's hyperlinks. Let's see how InDesign lets you set up hyperlinks in your documents. When anyone clicks on this logo in the upper left corner from this document in the Exercise Files folder, I would like you to take them to a website. When you're making a hyperlink, you can either select text with the Type tool or an object with the Selection tool. In this case, I want the whole graphic, this whole…
