From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

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Adding automatic bullets and numbers

Adding automatic bullets and numbers - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign 2025 Essential Training

Adding automatic bullets and numbers

- [Instructor] You use a computer so that it will do the boring, mundane work for you, right? So the next time you need to add a bunch of bullets or numbers in front of a list of paragraphs, don't type them manually. It's far more efficient to let InDesign add them for you. I have my long document file open from the Exercise Files and let's press Option or Alt + Page Down to jump to the next spread. Now with my Type tool, I'm simply going to select these paragraphs. Now to add a bullet character, I'm going to go up to the Control panel and make sure that I'm in Paragraph Mode. Then I'll come over here to the middle and click the Bullet button. That's it. They all get bullets automatically, and the bullets are all set up with what's called a hanging indent. See how the bullet hangs out here in the margin and the text flows to the right of it? That's called hanging indents. So this is fine, but I really wish the bullet were closer to the text. And also, these are really dumb round…
