From the course: InDesign 2024 Essential Training
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Choose a better workspace for editing - InDesign Tutorial
From the course: InDesign 2024 Essential Training
Choose a better workspace for editing
- [Instructor] Before we go any further, I want to make a couple of important changes that will really help when it comes to editing my InDesign documents. First, I'm going to look inside the Workspace menu up here in this bar at the top of the screen, and I'm going to choose Advanced. Now, I know that sounds scary, but you don't need to be an Advanced user to use the Advanced workspace. It just means you get to see these extra panels over here in the dock along the right side of the screen. So, sure, I know you're just learning the essentials right now, but believe me, you're going to want all these great features in InDesign. And in this course, I'm going to be working in this Advanced workspace, so I highly recommend you do too. This Advanced workspace also gives me all the formatting features I need right here at the top of the screen in what's called the Control Panel. You'll notice that this workspace also hid…
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New documents5m 21s
Guides and measurements4m 48s
Adding text frames5m 25s
Typing and editing text3m 29s
Choose a better workspace for editing4m 14s
Applying basic text formatting4m 56s
Importing graphics4m 45s
Saving and reverting documents4m 7s