From the course: Inclusive Typography

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Typography terms

Typography terms

- [Instructor] Describing the qualities of fonts is like discussing plants in a garden. You might talk about how tall or full they are, or how they look compared with other plants. We can talk about letter forms the same way. Typographers and designers use specific terms to discuss the characteristics of letters. Let's talk about a few of the most basic terms. We'll start broadly, and then get more specific. You may have heard the terms font and typeface used interchangeably. When our focus is on making the most inclusive type choices, it's important to know the difference. A typeface is a series of fonts that share common characteristics. It includes all letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and special characters. The shared style and characteristics connect the individual fonts in a typeface. It's a bit like donuts. You have a classic glazed donut. Then you have different flavored icings which change the taste. They all have the same base with their own flare added. For example…
