From the course: Inclusive Typography
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Categorizing fonts
From the course: Inclusive Typography
Categorizing fonts
- [Instructor] Type starts communicating before a word is even read. The qualities of a typeface set the mood. Thick, heavy letters convey strength and power. Dainty flowing curves communicate elegance and formality. Once we've captured the audience's attention, we need them to be able to read and understand the message. There are hundreds of thousands of typefaces out there. How can we begin to know which ones work best? Categorizing typefaces simplifies decisions about how to choose fonts for legibility. Legibility refers to how easily you can perceive individual glyphs in a font. The font's physical features like X height, weight, and aperture influence legibility. If those terms aren't familiar to you, I covered this in a previous video. Some typefaces are more legible and, therefore, more inclusive than others. Like any other discipline, categorization in typography can be very nuanced. For the sake of selecting inclusive typefaces, we'll use broad categories and rate the…
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Describing letterforms1m 47s
Categorizing fonts3m 34s
Finding inclusive fonts1m 29s
Pitfalls to avoid when choosing inclusive fonts1m 34s
Selecting fonts for multilingual delivery2m 34s
Challenge: Choose the most inclusive typeface1m 3s
Solution: Choose the most inclusive typeface1m 45s