From the course: Inclusive Mindset

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The allyship continuum

The allyship continuum

- Nowadays, many people are interested in becoming better allies to people with marginalized identities. This can be a noble but challenging prospect. If we get involved in allyship because we're hoping to be recognized as a good person, we may be in for a world of disappointment. Allyship is a journey more than a destination and it requires us to be very conscious of the level of commitment we're willing to give to building an inclusive and equitable society. Early in your allyship journey, you may be focused on visibility. You might like or post things on social media, wear ribbons or t-shirts that demonstrate your support for a cause. These activities are fine but they're examples of self-appointed allyship and many people criticize them as being more self-serving than being of service to communities. The next level of allyship is when we're engaged actively in the process of interrupting prejudice and discrimination.…
