From the course: Incident Response Planning

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Metrics and measures

Metrics and measures

- [Instructor] In this lesson, we're going to talk about metrics and measures that are used during an incident response. Now, another key part of our post-incident activity phase is that we want to be able to review a lot of different metrics and measures that we collected throughout our response actions. These metrics and measures are going to create a data set that we're going to be able to use to evaluate the success or failure of our instant response as well as how efficient or effective our team has been. Now, all the way back in your instant response phase, you should have been defining metrics and measures that you planned to collect during the response. A metric is simply any unit of measure that we can use in regard to some characteristic of the incident. For example, some of the more common metrics that I've seen are: the number of incidents handled, the time per incident, the cost per incident, and the time to…
