From the course: Incident Response Planning

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Leading a team

Leading a team

- Let's talk a little bit about leading an incident response team. Now, personally, I have led countless incident responses across multiple organizations around the world and I've done this with the assistance of several dozen incident response teams over the last 15 to 20 years. Now, over those years, I have led a number of these incident response teams and I've led small teams on small incidents. I've led large teams on large incidents. I've led teams when doing some really, really large incidents. And based on those experiences, I have learned a lot about what works and what doesn't when it comes to leading an incident response team and teams in general. And sometimes this came at great pain and suffering along the way, and so I want to help you avoid those pitfalls. So let's say you've been asked to lead an instant response team. What are some things that you need to think about to ensure it's going to go…
