From the course: In The Studio with Shaky Feelin'
In the Studio with Shaky Feelin' - Preview
From the course: In The Studio with Shaky Feelin'
In the Studio with Shaky Feelin' - Preview
- I would describe Shaky Feelin's music as kind of a blend of reggae, rock, funk, jazz, blues, it's kind of a hip happy vibe that we create. It hasn't been an easy road really to get us the gigs, you have to keep hammering at it every day. - As a band we learned how to play music, perform solo, and jam, we learn how to improvise, everything grew. Being together for, I guess, now four or five years together, we've accomplished a lot. - If we all collectively think it, we can make this happen. The only thing in the way of it is us.