From the course: Illustrator for Non-Illustrators

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Drawing with the Blob Brush tool

Drawing with the Blob Brush tool - Illustrator Tutorial

From the course: Illustrator for Non-Illustrators

Drawing with the Blob Brush tool

- [Instructor] As much as I like the paintbrush tool, I think my favorite tool for drawing inside Illustrator is the blob brush tool. This tool is better demonstrated than explained, so let's get to it. The blob brush tool is great for linework and inking-based art and organic shapes, and the best benefit, in my opinion, or one of it's strongest features, maybe, is better put that way, is shape cohesion, and I'll explain what that is in a little bit. Now, the blob brush tool is this one right here, and if you double-click into it, you can control the fidelity, like the other tools. With this one, I always keep it on accurate, I don't have any need to do anything more, but on roundness, after playing with this for quite awhile, I found it works better for me, at least, at 95% instead of 100%, and so these are the settings that I assigned to it, and right now, I have it selected for merge only with other shapes that are selected, and that's going to make more sense when I explain that…
