From the course: Illustrator for Non-Illustrators

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Abigail Bacilla

Abigail Bacilla

- [Narrator] The future of the creative industry are those who are students now. So in this movie, I want to show you some work from a recently-graduated design student based out of Alabama by the name of Abigail Bacilla. And she does this fun illustration that you can see here of this female character and what I want to demonstrate here is just, first let's zoom in, 'cause I want to show you the quality of the linework here. It's very organic, very brushy, and that's really cool. Let's take a look at her brushes here. And you can see, she has these brushes so if we select this one, and by the way these are my Dragstrip brushes that you can find in my Drawing Vector Graphics Painting With Vectors course. And if we select that brush and take the Paintbrush tool, and we brush it out you can see you can get a really cool, organic approach to your drawing there. So it works really, really well, in that respect. You might want to check those out in the other course in the exercise files…
