From the course: Illustrator 2024 Essential Training

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Variable width strokes

Variable width strokes

- [Instructor] As their name probably suggests variable width strokes means that we can vary the width of a stroke along the length of a path. Now we can do this in a couple of ways. Now what I've got here is a fictitious map and I'm just clicking here on the blue path that runs down the side, which is meant to be a river. And I'm just going to move the context task bar out of the way just for the moment. And then I'm going to apply a couple of width profiles to it. If we go up to the control strip, if you're using that here in the Essentials classic workspace, you'll find that, just say you'll also find it in the stroke panel down at the bottom if you are not using the control strip. But here I go. And here are some width profiles. So let's click on a few. Let's click on this one and you can see how that shape is stretched along this path. Try a couple of others. Try width profile two just there. And maybe try with…
